Health and Wellness

PROGRAM: Connecting with horses during Covid-19

JC Photos PEI image 2019

The isolation physical distancing requires can be mentally exhausting and incredibly stressful.

HJC invites you to hour long individual sessions interacting and learning about horsemanship (as comfort and experience level and physical distancing practices permit) in beautiful Nine Mile Creek.

There is something special working with horses when the world around us feels so uncertain and unsettled - they require us to step into their environment and when you stay present with them - it allows you to connect while taking a break from the world outside. Here we call that the “HJC bubble” and I’m excited to be able to share that with you.

  • $40 per session

  • Coupon codes available for health care workers, small business owners, essential workers and teenagers who are struggling.

  • Programs will change based on the current “phase” we are in.

  • All programs will focus on ground based work. (No riding)

MAY 2nd, 2020 - Mother\Daughter (Etc) Confidence Workshop

MAY 2nd, 2020 - Mother\Daughter (Etc) Confidence Workshop

"You can't be what you can't see." ~Marian Wright Edelman

Mothers\Daughters, Aunts\Nieces, Grandmothers\Granddaughters - or all combinations of multi-generational women, girls, Two-spirit, trans and non-binary people - are invited to participate in a half day (3.5 hour) confidence building workshop with Ellen and the HJC herd.