Ellen riding Romeo the camel, Morocco August 2017

Ellen riding Romeo the camel, Morocco August 2017

Who you are is how you lead.
— Hogan and Kaiser 2005

Facts about your Coach:

  • Began solo travel at age 17.

  • Began international solo travel at age 18.

  • Has currently travelled, lived and worked with horses and people in 6 continents.

  • Holds a certificate of professional counselling from the Counsellor Training Institute

  • Holds a certificate of Equine Business Management from the University of Guelph, Kemptville Campus.

  • Designed, built and founded The Hughes-Jones Centre for People and Animals at the age of 26 becoming a solopreneur.

  • Co-authored and self-published a teaching manual for horsemanship: Learning to Ride the HJC Way

  • Pioneered some of the first programs incorporating the therapeutic benefits of horses in PEI.

  • Set precedent by taking the PEI government to arbitration and winning regarding the expropriation of the original HJC property.

  • Alumnae of the University of Oxford, Said School of Business, Women Transforming Leadership Programme

  • Holds an Undergraduate Certificate of Coaching from the University of Cambridge

  • Won the nomination and ran for MLA in D16 Cornwall\Meadowbank in the 2019 election.

  • Rebuilt HJC in 2019.


Meet your coach: R. Ellen Jones

Leader is not an easy title to embody. It’s definitely not one I found easy to own and wear every day.

Then, in late June 2016, I got word of a road being planned which would undoubtedly impact my home and business. A road which in order for the business to survive, I would need to petition to have run over and subsequently tear down the home I had designed and built less than 10 years prior with my father.

In entering into this new arena of navigating government, media and eventually the courts I was (comfortable or not) leading my clients, many of whom were children, through the process as well. How I managed the situation would directly impact all of the people who had come to rely on our facility as well as my future ability to rebuild.

So I stepped up and into leadership shoes which always felt a little too big for me to fully occupy. Was I; good enough, smart enough, capable enough, strong enough - to lead myself and my clients through this process?

After all, who the hell was I to declare myself a leader?

It turns out the skills I would rely on were all skills I had possessed since childhood and honed over the years in various situations which required me to step up and out of my comfort zone. I had simply tucked them back on to a hidden and dusty shelf to be accessed only in a time of crisis.

Ladies, I’m convinced we all have this shelf. A shelf we put our accomplishments on instead of acknowledging them and the skills we have gained along the way.

I was and am a leader. I am also a follower. None of us is any one thing all of the time and yet I believe it’s time that we begin to look at our dusty accomplishment shelf and examine our capacity to make change. You have the skills you require to get you to where you want to go, I believe it because I’ve seen you use them.

I’ve watched single moms of multiple children manage schedules, childcare and work - every single element of which makes you a leader.

I’ve watched full time moms with vast unpaid work loads, volunteer schedules and commitments lead their families and communities in more efforts than I can list.

I’ve watched women of all ages start their own businesses, enter politics, sit on boards, go back to school and work toward change in their communities both locally and internationally.

I’ve watched students juggle the responsibilities of school, work, friends, family and still make time for a good cause.

We are all leaders somewhere in our lives and it is a passion of mine to help you realize and hone the skills within you so that you may achieve new heights.

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