“She pushed me harder than I had anticipated. She expected more from me than I thought I had to give. Her persistence and belief in me helped me to pick my head up again. Someone was paying attention. Another human saw me for me. I had value in her eyes. Slowly, I began to believe in myself.”
— HJC Client 2014

“…I feel like I broke out of the covid mental funk/depression after our last session. I've felt more grounded and able to establish new boundaries for myself at work and at home.”

— HJC Coaching Client, 2020

“…A lesson at HJC is more than worth flying out from Germany to PEI or flying up to PEI for a day, after a couple of days working in Toronto…”

— Lea Gutmann

“Thanks to HJC I have become a better person at work and home, everything we do applies to so much more than horses, it is about life! “

— Anonymous

“…I just wanted to say thanks again for yesterday's session. I felt like I came in carrying a big mess, but left with clarity and a grounded feeling. It helped me hit a reset switch in my brain so I could get out of the stuck thinking I was in...”

— HJC Coaching Client, 2020

Such an interesting demonstration! I was amazed at how the horses could demonstrate intentional leadership so clearly. The event was so awesome, down to earth, friendly and effective.
— Intentional Leadership event participant November 2020

“…Simply put, HJC is not only the reason I am alive today, but alive and thriving.”

— HJC Client

“…Ellen takes a different approach with each person, each group... its from the ground up. Its not just about riding. It’s the bond you build, the trust you give and earn…”

— HJC client 2010

“…I am forever grateful to Ellen and the HJC family for inviting me in with open arms and never giving up on me. My time at HJC was not only life altering, but life saving. That I know for sure.”

— Maine, USA

“We at FVPS are behind R. Ellen Jones and the work she has done to create a fantastic business that grows youth in all the ways we hope our young people to turn out. She is a strong leader and an inspiration. Her understanding of women's issues and women's equality makes her someone we are so proud to have on our side.”

— PEI Family Violence Prevention services

JC Photos PEI image 2019