
Communication in the time of Covid-19 OPEN FOR BOOKINGS As of May 8th

JC Photos PEI image 2019

It’s familiar to everyone that this pandemic is changing the way we function in our day to day lives. Including how we communicate.

As PEI moves to reopen some smaller businesses we will be interacting more and more while wearing masks and maintaining physical distancing - limiting our ability to read facial cues and expressions, as well as our ability to express ourselves with our co-workers or clientele.

HJC invites you to participate in our “Communication in the time of Covid-19” sessions to explore some of the communication challenges we will be facing in the coming months and practice skills with the herd which can help you be more effective in reading, receiving and delivering non-verbal cues.

Horses are masters of non-verbal communication and working with them is an excellent gauge of your own effectiveness. Ellen will guide you through your interaction with the herd raising your awareness of your impact on those around you and increasing your fluency in body language.

Individual sessions can be booked as of May 8th. Pandemic Pricing: $50 + HST per 90 minute session.

Small group sessions (for management teams etc) can be booked starting May 22nd. Maximum of 4 participants at this time. Pandemic Pricing: $40 + HST per person - session length 2.5 hours.

June 20th, 2020 - An HJC Pilot: Trust Building Skills for the Workplace

June 20th, 2020 - An HJC Pilot: Trust Building Skills for the Workplace


A corner stone of social capital, good leadership and healthy business environments and also an element that we have minimal metrics within the workplace to measure or tools to course correct.

Join me and the HJC herd for a professional skills development session on trust building Friday afternoon, May 15th.

June 1st, 2020 - HJC Pilot: Summer Sunrise Sessionals

June 1st, 2020 - HJC Pilot: Summer Sunrise Sessionals

How inconvenienced are you willing to be, in order to pursue your dreams?

Are you willing to wake up at silly o'clock in the morning to work on yourself and your personal\professional goals\skills for FOUR MONDAYS in a row, BEFORE work? Is what you want important enough for that to be an acceptable sacrifice?

Because if you're willing - I'll be right there with you pouring the coffee!

MAY 2nd, 2020 - Mother\Daughter (Etc) Confidence Workshop

MAY 2nd, 2020 - Mother\Daughter (Etc) Confidence Workshop

"You can't be what you can't see." ~Marian Wright Edelman

Mothers\Daughters, Aunts\Nieces, Grandmothers\Granddaughters - or all combinations of multi-generational women, girls, Two-spirit, trans and non-binary people - are invited to participate in a half day (3.5 hour) confidence building workshop with Ellen and the HJC herd.