Equine Informed Coaching

PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT: Re-Connecting Work Teams and the Return to Face to Face Interactions at HJC

JC Photos PEI image 2019

At HJC one of our core beliefs is that environment builds behaviour.

In our current pandemic state the environment we are living and working in feels changeable, chaotic and often frightening. As a result people are dealing with increased anxiety, loss of trust in each other and acting\speaking in fear over reason. As the return to office work begins, the challenges facing teams due to our current environment are great.

HJC offers you and your work team a different environment which aims to help you reconnect with each other, address your anxieties and build new trust as a team navigating the uncertain journey ahead.

Programs are 3.5 hours in length and will take place on site at the brand new architecturally designed HJC facility overlooking the rolling hills of Nine Mile Creek and the Northumberland straight. Visit our facility page to view our special space.

Program break down:

  • Arrive - meet and greet in the main facility.

  • Set expectations for the equine session learn about Ellen’s approach to working with people and horses.

  • Organize and head over to the equine space for a guided experience with Ellen and the HJC herd.

  • Learn about the herd dynamics, predator\prey relationships, getting grounded, hyper vigilance, the cycle of fear and how to trust when faced with uncertainty.

  • Return to main facility for light refreshments and a guided conversation (weather permitting outside on the HJC patio) in the company of the herd on the key learnings and takeaways.

Contact Ellen by clicking the link below to request pricing information and to design your bespoke HJC experience.

Take advantage of our FREE 90 minute chemistry session to tour HJC and design your program and discuss your team’s needs. Pricing is dependent on number of participants and requirements of the group.

**The flexibility of our programs are directly related to the Public Health advisories in place. These are heavily adapted programs designed to keep you safe during Covid-19 as well as providing a space to help you reconnect with your team and plot a course forward in this new reality.