We are in search of 4- 6 ambitious women who want to take a deep dive into their leadership development.
The research is clear:
Companies with the higher percentages of women board directors out preform competitors both in sales and returns on invested capital.
Countries with more gender balanced governments make better decisions.
Women out preform in 13 of 15 leadership core competencies. This is even more evident during a crisis.
There is no question that women are excellent leaders - but our numbers in leadership positions in both business and politics is not relative to our population, experience, talent for leadership or education.
There are a number of reasons why women are less likely to both step forward and claim leadership positions and nurture their leadership abilities ranging from socialization, lack of representation\opportunity, biases within industry etc. This program aims to challenge the narratives of participants, bring forward their personal leadership capabilities and support them while they implement their skills in their work and home lives.
At its core leadership is a relationship. One that starts with yourself and extends outward to your relationships with those around you. Improve how you engage in those relationships and improve your leadership exponentially. It all starts with you.
Participants will be guided on a journey learning how they identify with leadership and develop a personal strategy to move forward, through learning horsemanship principles and engaging in ongoing coaching over a 6 month period.
The breakdown (what you get):
3 leadership learning modules over a 6 month period.
3 x in person 3.5 hour group intensives at HJC’s facility in Nine Mile Creek to bring us together, introduce the modules and create a support system\community amongst the group.
3 x 2 hour 1:1 (private) equine informed coaching experience per participant per module (3 sessions total) delivered onsite at HJC.
One progress 1:1 zoom\phone coaching call per module (3 calls total) delivered by Nikki Todd.
Online group platform curated by coaching staff for ongoing support and encouragement, progress tracking throughout the 6 month program - this program comes with access to a phone application.
1 x Celebration\Close the circle meeting at the end of the program.
Module #1 -
March 2nd: Introduction to the program and each other in person at HJC!
3 - 3.5 hour session (1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.) which will start us off by doing a deep dive into intentional leadership. How clear are your intentions? What are your intentions for the program?
Short demo with the HJC herd.
March 3rd - April 30th book your 1:1 equine informed coaching experience to explore the importance of identifying your core values and where you place value.
March 3rd-April 30th book your 1:1 values call with Nikki.
Module #2
April 27th: Boundary building and assertive communication.
3-3.5 hour in person session (1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.) @ HJC will incorporate learnings from module #1 while building forward with discussions on healthy boundaries and communicating them assertively.
May 1st - June 27th book your 1:1 equine informed coaching experience to practice assertion and boundary building.
May 1st - June 27th book your 1:1 coaching call with Nikki to explore what building boundaries has meant for you.
Module #3
June 29th: First respect, then trust and lastly vulnerability.
3 - 3.5 hour in person session (1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.) @HJC will incorporate learnings from modules #1 & 2 while building forward with discussions on building trust and bringing our full selves to our leadership practice.
June 29th - September 2nd book your 1:1 equine informed coaching experience to engage with the relationship between respect, trust and vulnerability.
June 29th - September 2nd book your 1:1 coaching call with Nikki to explore and unpack the module
September 3rd (1:00 - 4:00): How far have we come?
What next?
Strategies moving forward.
This 6 month program is designed by women, for women.
Your HJC host is Ellen Jones, CEO of The Hughes-Jones Centre Inc. Ellen is an; executive coach, equine facilitator, fabulously failed politician, business owner and passionate advocate for women in leadership. Teaming up with Ellen is Nikki Todd of The Path Within Coaching. Nikki is an empowerment and wellness coach, entrepreneur, retired professional sleuth, passionate advocate of intentional living and helping people build a life they truly desire. Together Nikki and Ellen bring participants a well rounded and multi-disciplined approach to support and challenge throughout the program.
Extra Details:
Onsite group meetings will include a light snack and warm beverage.
All programs adhere to Public Health Guidelines in regard to Covid-19 - this includes being prepared with the PEI VAX Pass should it still be in effect.
Minimum 3 participants, maximum minimum 6 (for safety during Covid-19).
Horse portion of the program is in our horse facility. Please dress for the weather.
Please take your own mask.
*All programs at HJC operate with the strictest of confidentiality at heart. Emotional and physical safety are a high values for our programming and our facility. We ask all participants to hold the confidentiality of each individual in high regard. Photographs of the facility and the presenter are welcomed however please only post or take photos which have been requested and approved by participants. Tell stories of what takes place but do not identify individuals as you recount events. Thank-you for helping us create a safe environment for learning.*
$4000 per person + HST
(Participants may be eligible for a Workplace Skills Development subsidy through Skills PEI of up to 50% of the program cost.)
Questions? Take advantage of HJC’s free no obligation tour and information session or book a call to see if this program is right for you: