Coping with Covid-19
HJC is committed to serving our clients and potential clients to the best of our ability as we navigate this pandemic. We are here to help push back against the loneliness and isolation felt by many.
Programs we wished to launch for the spring 2020 season have been postponed and new programs designed to support and promote connectivity while keeping physical distance have been implemented. These programs and the highly discounted pricing will last as long as we are under Covid-19 restrictions and as long as it is safe to do so.
Please note how we will be able to operate during the phases, detailed in the Renew PEI Together document released by the province April 28th below is not our normal. We are doing our best to follow the recommendations of Public Health and bring limited programming as responsibly as possible.
If you are a health care worker or essential worker in need of some support - please contact me (Ellen) directly at: so I can do my best to address your specific needs.
You are not alone.
Physical distance without isolation keeping mentally resilient in tough times.
Phase 1 - May 1st 2020
The most strict phase. All programs at HJC during this phase will abide by these guidelines.
Hand sanitizing as you arrive.
Freshly washed riding gloves must be worn at all times.
Non-medical face masks while in the barn.
Horse confident adults welcome - only individuals (and as of the May 8th announcement) small groups of 4 will be served at this time.
Children must have previous HJC experience and be at least 12 years of age - new to HJC youth are not recommended at this time due to physical distancing protocol. Parents can stay in the vehicle but to limit contact with common surfaces should not enter HJC.
Bathroom will not be accessible.
As of May 8th the HJC deck and indoor space can now be open.
Hour long individual programs with horses will focus on connection and will involve horse care, ground work, body language, walks in the paddock with the horses etc.
Individual coaching (without horses) to help cope with Covid-19 is also available at all times.
Hand sanitizing on departure.
If you have travelled outside of the province in the last 14 days or are experiencing any Covid-19 related symptoms please do not put us at risk. Stay home, get healthy and we look forward to serving you when it is safe.
Phase 2 - May 22nd 2020
All programs at HJC during this phase will abide by these guidelines.
Hand sanitizing as you arrive.
Freshly washed\clean gloves to be worn at all times.
Non-medical face masks while in the barn if in a group.
Horse confident adults welcome.
Small groups of no more than 4 people will be considered.
Children must have previous HJC experience and be at least 12 years of age - new to HJC youth are not recommended at this time due to physical distancing protocol. Parents are now welcome to watch.
Bathroom is now accessible.
Deck and debrief space now open with physical distancing in place. Bring your own coffee or beverage (catering can also be considered) and your own reusable mug.
Programs remain one hour in length.
Individual and group coaching no more than 4 people (without horses).
Hand washing available in de-brief space and hand sanitizing station still available and requested prior to departure.
If you have travelled outside of the province in the last 14 days or are experiencing any Covid-19 related symptoms please do not put us at risk. Stay home, get healthy and we look forward to serving you when it is safe.
What HJC is Doing to keep you safe
Hand sanitizing station will be available until a vaccine is available.
Sanitizing common surfaces in between programs and allowing a time buffer between sessions to accommodate this new practice.
Limiting number of people per day and ensuring no repeat horse interactions.
Creating bespoke programming which supports physical distancing while creating space for clients to reconnect.
Washing halters daily and rotating between clients.
Individual programming emphasized limiting groups\organizations.
Re-introducing mandatory tack cleaning post ride.
Sanitizing brushes after each use.
Keeping detailed logs of who we serve and when - should contact tracing be necessary.
Online booking and payment for zero contact.
Physical distance with more people.
Phase 3 - June 12th 2020
All programs at HJC during this phase will abide by these guidelines.
Hand sanitizing as you arrive.
You are no longer required to wear gloves but are welcome to if you prefer.
You are no longer required to wear a mask.
Children must have previous HJC experience and be at least 12 years of age - new to HJC youth are not recommended at this time due to physical distancing protocol. Parents are now welcome to watch.
HJC sessionals are able to go a head for adults in groups no larger than 8 with alterations to our refreshment break after the session (i.e. catering).
Programs length between 90 minutes and 4 hours.
Physical distancing remains in effect.
Individual and group coaching available (without horses).
Deck and debrief space open with physical distancing in place.
If you have travelled outside of the province in the last 14 days or are experiencing any Covid-19 related symptoms please do not put us at risk. Stay home, get healthy and we look forward to serving you when it is safe.
Phase 4 - The New Normal
All programs at HJC during this phase will abide by the rapidly changing Public Health Guidelines.
Hand sanitizing upon entry to indoor facility and HJC experiential space.
Please take a mask with you for your program although you will not be required to wear it unless physical distancing cannot be maintained.
Groups will be kept to a maximum of 10-12 participants + all required staffing.
Individual and group programs are operating.
If you have travelled outside of the Atlantic Bubble in the last 14 days or are experiencing any Covid-19 related symptoms please do not put us at risk. Stay home, get healthy and we look forward to serving you when it is safe.